How Perfect Is My New Car?
There are a lot of common misconceptions that when you purchase a new car it is supposed to look perfect. Many different things can happen from the time the vehicle is produced until the time it reaches your hands. In fact, it is actually more common for a new vehicle to have defects than it is not. The list of defects and how they can occur is pretty broad. Defects can occur anywhere from the manufacturer to in transport, sitting at the port awaiting shipping or pick up, and even at the dealership.
Common New Car Defects
- Paint Inconsistencies
- Body Damage
- Misaligned Panles>
- Glass Imperefctions
- Interior Defects
Should I Take My Car Back To The Dealership To Repaired or Repainted
Many vehicle owners think that defects and new car imperfections are limited to the budget-friendly manufacturer but you will find these defects and imperfections no matter the price of the vehicle. New car owners ask, should I take my car back to the dealership? If you are dealing with paint or body defects the answer is typically no. At HQD we offer an array of in-house paint correction and paint protection solutions that will prevent your vehicle from going into a body shop which can open the door to even more issues.
At HQD we have been specializing in new car refinement for almost a decade. Our expertise allows us to give you the best new car experience. If you have a new car or one on the way give our talented team of paint correction and protection excerpts at HQD a call.